
If you are in need of any of these ministries, please see the contacts listed below:


Pastor Midgette- 252-636-2174

Youth Ministry

Reverend Debra Kenyear - 252-633-6163

Church Calendar

Mother Carol Williams - 252-349-8274

Pastor Engagements

Pastor Midgette-252-636-2174

Choir Engagements

Reverend Reginald Midgette, Jr. - 252-258-1293

Use Of Church Facility

Mother Carol Williams - 252-349-8274

Monthly Newsletter

Mother Ava Midgette - 252-636-2174


Pastor Midgette- 252-636-2174

Membership Class

Reverend Steven White,Jr.- 252-571-7766

Sunday Morning Order of Service

Mother Carol Williams - 252-349-8274

Church Finance

Brother Kevin Green -252-626-8467


Mother Ava Midgette -252-636-2174